Our reviews

(29 Reviews)
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June 03, 2021
Order and special request all completed and correct. Order is ready on time.

May 01, 2021
Most of the food was delicious. The pho and lemon grass pork were good. We also ordered garlic butter wings, but some of them tasted burnt.

March 14, 2021
The dishes were delicious as always. Decided to try some new dishes and we will do them again.

February 28, 2021
Everything is always delicious, hot, and ready to pick up on time.

The veg pho broth is very flavourful.

Chili lemongrass tofu is fantastic.

January 23, 2021
Excellent service, very fast and excellent food

January 16, 2021
We ordered two small soups and the portions were huge! Very tasty on both the beef and chicken options we selected. The spring rolls were awesome. Next time we’ll share one soup and double up on the spring rolls.

December 30, 2020
Excellent food reasonable price and was ready for pickup very quickly

December 06, 2020
Food lacked flavourful. Servings were nice though.

September 29, 2020
Delicious food, we ordered for a large group and it was ready to go and made just right. Thank you.